How creating my own gPTS has boosted my creativity

Creativity and AI
Custom gPTs

I've been having a lot of fun creating my own GPTS recently. Here's a few I've created so far:

AI Life Planner

Trained with my 2024 roadmap, goals, and priorities. As well overviews of my 2022 and 2023 years. I had all these stored in notes and I just uploaded them as PDFs to train the GPT. It's like having a personal guide that keeps me focused on what matters most.

Co-Founder / Business Developer for my Co-Living Iceland venture:

This AI, filled with my notes since 2021 and lessons from a recent business accelerator I took part in, has become an essential partner in growing my venture and filling in knowledge gaps around business development and coding.

Personal Book Mate:

For someone who loves reading, this is perfect. It knows my reading history and preferences since 2019 and, with help from my AI Life Planner GPT, suggests books that match my current interests and goals.

Applications Assistant:

Navigating job applications, grants, and more has been so much smoother. This AI, customized with my CV, skills, and examples of my writing, supports me in creating applications that stand out.

Moving from manually organizing notes to having an AI "second brain" has truly been a gamechanger. These GPTs are like digital extensions of myself, digging through loads of information to offer personalized advice and insights. I'd love to hear about your experiences with GPTs. Have you tried creating any? How have they impacted your life or work?

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